Brock University Campus Ministry
Brock Campus Ministry Policies & Job Description
Brock Campus Ministry is a Christ-centered fellowship that is
• Celebrating the life of Jesus Christ,
• Growing in Faith,
• Building community and engaging,
• Bearing witness to God’s love for this world.
The campus chaplains’ primary task is to develop student leaders in each of the four areas of ministry.. The four areas of ministry are weighted equally under that umbrella, and the campus chaplain should split their time between the areas of Justice, Hospitality, Faith Formation and Discipleship, and Worship, as well as the other ministry activities listed below.
The campus chaplain serves as a resource person, pastor and teacher. Exemplifying a life of faith and obedience to Christ, the campus chaplain seeks out and ministers to members of the Brock university multi-faith community (students, faculty and staff), including members of the Christian Reformed Church.
Brock Campus ministry is to be a bridging community. We want to see students and staff connecting with local churches and working in partnership with non-profits and other community organizations within the Niagara region. In other words, we do not want our Chaplain and students to offer leadership only within the confines of the Christian community. We want to bear witness more broadly to God’s love for the whole of this world.
Leadership development and mentoring is the primary activity of our campus chaplain. Campus ministers are encouraged to seek out, encourage and mentor those students who have shown significant leadership gifts, encouraging these students to participate fully on campus (and in the Region of Niagara), organizing worship opportunities, discipleship initiatives, hospitality events and justice- related volunteer opportunities.
Justice-Related Initiatives – Connect with local nonprofits and establish volunteer opportunities for students off campus, as well as facilitate ongoing participation in advocacy campaigns on campus.
Campus Engagement – Relate with faculty and university staff members and serve on strategic campus committees where appropriate. This also includes being available to teach from a Christian perspective, contribute to credit courses, guest lectures and articles in the campus press.
Hospitality-Related Events – Organize Orientation Week events and regular student hospitality events that serve to support students in very practical ways. This includes seeking out students, faculty and staff who are members of the Christian Reformed Church and other faith community members.
Faith Formation and Discipleship
Faith Formations and Discipleship – Educate students and help develop their faith through organized Bible studies and small group discussions, exploring contemporary implications of a Christian worldview. This education is directed to whole-life discipleship, but takes seriously the academic context of the ministry, helping students relate their faith creatively to their studies. This also includes identifying, encouraging and mentoring students in their God-given gifts, enabling them to witness campus wide.
Christian Education and Collaborative Efforts – Encourage students to partner with other Christian student groups, hosting conferences, organizing workshops and presenting lectures that integrate faith with the rest of life. Model this collaborative spirit.
Faith and Life Centre – Maintain good relations with other faith representatives in the Faith and Life Centre, planning events together, and be an active member of the Christian Reformed Campus Ministry Association.
Worship – Facilitate student-led worship opportunities on campus, fostering unity among all Christian student groups and encouraging students to participate in local churches.
Preaching – Share God’s Word with the churches of Classis Niagara and local supporting churches, relaying pertinent stories of faith and lessons learned within the campus context.
Pastoral Care – Offer pastoral care to those students who wish to speak with the campus minister about their personal life and/or their Christian faith by maintaining a visible and accessible profile on campus.
Small ‘c’ Counselling – Offer small ‘c’ counselling in a faith-based fashion to students struggling with issues including, but not limited to, mental health, anxiety, depression and family turmoil, referring students to professional help as necessary.
Vision Casting – Periodically assess and evaluate the direction of the ministry, as well as plan for new opportunities on campus. Remain alert and flexible to changes on the campus and in Governance – Meet regularly with the Brock University Chaplain Team. Report to Classis Niagara and the Director of Student Life at Brock providing information on new initiatives and in the attitudes of students and faculty.
Governance – _Meet regularly with the Brock University Chaplain Team. Report to Classis Niagara and the Director of Student Life at Brock providing information on new initiatives and recent developments on campus.
Education: A Master’s degree (completed or in progress) and/or related work experience is required. The integration of faith and learning is a key component of our vision for ministry, and the candidate’s education and related work experience must demonstrate a desire and ability to speak into such integration. Preferably, at minimum, meets requirements for ordination as a Commissioned Pastor.
Reformed Perspective: The successful candidate must be able to clearly articulate their vision for campus ministry and show how that vision fits within the Reformed perspective. This vision must be something that can excite and motivate students.
Personality Traits: A campus chaplain must be able to communicate clearly, listen well and interact confidently with students, staff and faculty. They must be open and welcoming, as well as a faithful and compassionate witness to God’s grace. An ability to work collaboratively within a team environment is a necessity. The candidate will portray emotional intelligence and a non- judgmental approach to ministry.
Skills:Thesuccessfulcandidateoughttohaveagoodunderstandingofbasiccomputer programs
Brock University Ministry Professional Development Policy Draft, April 2019
Purpose: It is necessary for chaplains new to the profession, and for veterans, to be continually renewing and evaluating their own ministry. This process will focus on gaining wisdom regarding the purpose and goals of the ministry, and participating in professional development is one way of achieving that. The Brock University Ministry Team is committed to supporting and encouraging the chaplain to participate in these events.
Provisions: Up to ten days can be taken annually for the purpose of professional development, in any combination throughout the year. The dates and activities of these events will be communicated to the Brock University Ministry Team and a report submitted upon completion. This time is intended for attendance in courses, workshops, and conferences which may not be a part of the work of campus ministry, but are considered beneficial for the chaplain and the team. It is strongly encouraged that this includes attendance at the annual CRCMA retreat sponsored by the CRC Campus Ministry Association. If the activities exceed the provided budget it must be approved by the BUCT as well as the CMC.
Brock University Ministry Sabbatical Policy Draft – April 2019
(note: the original is from the CRC campus ministry handbook, also used by Guelph campus ministry. Edits in red. The word “minister” and been replace by “chaplain”)
Biblical Foundation
Sabbatical is a principle built into the very order of creation. It is important that when we talk about sabbaticals for campus ministry staff, we are doing so within a larger creational context. Not only do all people need to experience Sabbath rest, and Sabbath years, so also does the land. Therefore, in proposing a sabbatical policy for the staff of this ministry, we are not saying that campus ministry staff are special people who need special privileges. What is true of campus chaplains is true of all chaplains, and indeed true of all human beings who steward the creation, and true as an ecological principle for a creation that continues to groan in travail.
Campus Ministry Context
Campus chaplains need to do their work out of an ever deepening theological/biblical perspective, with a high level of academic competence that is broadly interdisciplinary, and in a way that is culturally attuned. They also need to be people with deep resources of spiritual vitality. Such spiritual vitality, cultural attunement, academic breadth and theological depth cannot be sustained in the intense dynamics of campus ministry without periodic sabbaticals. Campus chaplains need to withdraw from the intensity of counseling, teaching, preaching and running campus ministry programs in order to take time for personal renewal, reflection, educational engagement, study and writing.
Campus chaplains are also encouraged to both have advanced academic degrees and to be an academic witness in the university. Where possible, that witness maytake the form of teaching within the university, providing guest lectures and publishing articles and books that demonstrate an integrally Christian scholarship. As such, campus chaplains need to have sabbatical provisions that are comparable to those enjoyed by faculty within the university.
Sabbatical Policy
For the purposes of personal renewal, new experiences, educational engagement and a period of sustained study and writing, campus chaplains are eligible for and encouraged to take a sabbatical leave after four years of service for up to one month per every year served in full time The maximum number of months that can be accrued toward a sabbatical leave is seven and sabbaticals will normally be taken during the summer months.
campus chaplain must apply for the sabbatical at least nine months prior toits commencement.
The sabbatical application will clearly state the shape of the project to be pursued, the benefits that this sabbatical will provide for the personal and professional development of the campus chaplain, the benefits provided for the campus ministry, and an outline of anticipated use of sabbatical time. The application will also outline what arrangements have been made for the ongoing ministry during the campus chaplain’s absence.
The sabbatical application must be approved by the Brock University Chaplaincy Team
While on sabbatical the campus chaplain will receive not less than 80% of his/her regular salary and full benefits.
The campus chaplain may receive financial assistance for the sabbatical in the forms of fellowships, grants and scholarships without prejudice to his/her Classical compensation.
Permanent part time campus ministry staff are eligible for sabbatical provisions pro – rated to their commitment to the ministry. For example, a half time chaplain would be eligible for a sabbatical of one month per year of service at pro-rated pay.
The campus chaplain is obliged to continue in his or her position for at least one academic year after the conclusion of a sabbatical.
This Letter of Understanding shall serve as the official agreement outlining the roles of the two churches who are the champion churches of the Brock Campus Chaplaincy, in particular as it relates to the position of the Campus Chaplain, Zack DeBruyne.
Zack DeBruyne is currently serving part-time in the role of CRC Chaplain at Brock University in St.Catharines, Ontario, beginning January 2019 until July 2019. Lord willing, when Zack is declared eligible for ministry in the Christian Reformed Church by Synod 2019, this will become a full-time position starting in the summer of 2019.
Trinity Christian Reformed Church of St. Catharines shall serve as the Calling Church and will hold the chaplain’s ministerial credentials. Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church of St.Catharines shall serve as the co-supporting church and hold the chaplain’s membership. It is advisable that the Chaplain, Zack de Bruyne, worship regularly in both churches, and additionally, make himself available to preach in these churches and in the other churches of Classis Niagara.
Upon Zack being declared eligible for call to ministry by Synod 2019, Trinity CRC will issue the official call and hold the ordination service. Rev. Steve deBoer of Providence CRC will serve as the Church Counsellor to guide the process of a formal call to Zack DeBruyne. The call process will follow the Church Order provisions for the calling of pastors to specialized ministries as outlined in Articles 12 and 13.
The two champion churches have agreed to mutually support the Brock University Chaplaincy on behalf of Classis Niagara, in a role of encouragement to see the ministry to students and faculty at Brock University flourish. It is understood, that alongside the encouragement of the champion churches, that the salary and expenses for this position will be the responsibility of Classis Niagara and that all churches will contribute Classical Ministries Shares to cover the expenses of the Brock Campus Chaplaincy. As such Zack DeBruyne is officially an employee of Classis Niagara.
In accordance with the Church Order Article 12, which stipulates that the calling council is responsible to oversee the doctrine and life of the pastor (chaplain), in this situation with two supporting churches, the council’s of both churches hereby agree that they will have joint supervision of the chaplain and that they must concur with each other if any concerns are raised about the chaplain’s doctrine and life, the direction and vision of the Brock Campus Chaplaincy, proposed revisions to the job description, or if the chaplain’s service may be concluded. One of the two churches may not initiate any action or concerns regarding the Chaplain or the ministry of the Brock Campus Chaplaincy without first obtaining full endorsement and approval of the other champion church.
The Brock University Chaplaincy Team (BUCT) shall serve as the body charged with the operational details of the Brock Campus Chaplaincy on behalf of the two champion churches and Classis Niagara. To that end the BUCT is to made up of representatives of both churches and to include at least one representative from Classis Niagara. This committee, of which the chaplain will be a member, shall meet a minimum of 6 times per year. The chaplain will report on the work done to this committee, and to the body of Classis Niagara through written reports and presentations at each meeting of Classis Niagara. Additionally the Chaplain is encouraged to meet with the Councils of the two champion churches a minimum of three times per year to give a report on the work done on campus. Any additional presentations through church services, in small groups, youth groups, etc., is encouraged to strengthen the relationship and accountability of the Chaplain and the champion churches.
If any concerns arise regarding the chaplain or chaplaincy ministry, an initial meeting will be called by the BUCT at which the Chairs of both Councils will be present. This initial meeting will determine whether further action is necessitated, determine appropriate steps to be taken by the two church councils and within the broader engagement of the Classis Ministry Council (CMC). A request to alter the Memo of Understanding can be made by requesting the change, in writing, to the BCC and Chairs of both Councils, and with the concurrence of the CMC.
Signed by the Co-chairs of the Brock University Campus Committees, the Chairpersons of Jubilee Fellowship & Trinity CRC, the chair & stated clerk of Classis Niagara.
Employment Covenant between the Brock University Chaplaincy Team and the Brock Chaplain*
(*This document is a supplement to the Letter of Call and its Addendum, and the chaplaincy job description)
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for the Brock University Chaplaincy Team and for the Chaplain regarding each of their responsibilities concerning the Brock University Chaplaincy Ministry, as together they strive to fulfil the vision and mission of this ministry. As representatives of Jesus Christ on campus, the actions of the Campus Chaplain and the team should reflect the fruit of the Spirit.
As Chaplain on the Brock University Campus…
…you are a representative of Jesus Christ. Your actions and words should reflect the light of Christ and promote a better understanding of the Kingdom of God in this secular educational context. As such, we anticipate and expect that you will:
Live a life worthy of the calling you have received from Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:1).
Live a Christian lifestyle, witness openly and articulately about your faith, and maintain healthy spiritual practices.
Abide by the campus ministry policies, which will be reviewed annually.
Fulfill the opportunities described in your letter of call and job description.
Participate in regular, ongoing, gracious and candid conversations (written and oral) with the team for support, advice and encouragement.
Use restorative practices to deal with any disagreements/conflicts that occur between us, making every effort to find resolutions that are satisfactory to both you and the team. If necessary, we will seek guidance from the Pastor Church Relations Ministry of the CRC, or from another body agreeable to both of us.
Refrain from committing offences under the provincial or federal criminal code, or the Human Rights Code.
As the Brock University Chaplaincy Team …
…we are also representatives of Jesus Christ. Our actions and words should reflect the light of Christ and promote a better understanding of the Kingdom of God in this secular educational context. As such, we pledge to:
Oversee, encourage and pray for you and for those participating in this ministry.
Participate in regular, supportive, gracious and candid conversations with you about the joys and challenges of your ministry, and ensure that undertakings are vision and mission consistent.
necessary policies and procedures are in place that support you and that promote a faithful, safe, and effective ministry. We will review the policies and procedures annually and ensure compliance.
Regularly discuss the goals and strategies of the ministry with you, as well as your own personal goals.
Encourage your continual and valuable professional development.
Ensure that appropriate facilities are available for the ministry
Discuss the budget for the ministry with you prior to creating and submitting the annual budget to Classis Niagara for approval.
Use restorative practices to deal with any disagreements/conflicts that occur between us, making every effort to find resolutions that are satisfactory to both you and the team. If necessary, we will seek guidance from the Pastor Church Relations Ministry of the CRC, or from another body agreeable to both of us.
Fulfil all aspects of our mandate.
Signature of Chaplain: Signature of Team Chairperson:
Mandate for the Brock University Chaplaincy Team – Draft – April, 2019
Purpose: Classis Niagara has delegated the oversight and supervision of the Brock University Chaplaincy Ministry to the Brock University Chaplaincy Team, and as such the team is responsible to Classis Niagara for fulfilling that task. This ministry is an essential and exciting aspect of Classis Niagara’s mission “To encourage, equip, and empower churches and
ministries to engage God’s people in mission”.
The context, importance and relevance of this ministry are summarized well in the following quote:
“At the heart of Christian Reformed Campus Ministry is the conviction that Christ is in the process of reconciling “all things” to himself and that we are called to join him as co-workers in regaining his Kingdom. As such, we affirm an everyday, concrete spirituality that sees every person on campus as a potential agent of re-creation and every sin- tainted philosophy–
every thought and academic discipline – as instituted in God and worthy of
transformation.” Dr. Michael Fallon, CRC Campus Minister at McMaster University
Tasks of the team:
Hire ministry staff as the need arises following the guidelines in the Hiring Policy.
Oversee, encourage and pray for the Chaplain and all those participating in this ministry.
Participate in regular, supportive, gracious and candid conversations with the Chaplain (and any other staff members) about the joys and challenges of the ministry, and ensure that undertakings are vision and mission consistent. Such conversations also apply to situations that warrant correction, counselling, and discipline up to and including release from this ministry.
Ensure that necessary policies and procedures are in place that will promote a faithful, safe, and effective ministry. These policies and procedures will be reviewed annually for accuracy and compliance.
Encourage the Chaplain’s professional development in line with the Professional Development policy, and affirm that regular contact is occurring with the mentor/coach.
Conduct an annual review of the ministry focusing on the successes and challenges of the previous year and goal setting for the upcoming year. This is in addition to the every three year review performed by Resonate.
Discuss the budgetary needs for the ministry with the Chaplain prior to creating and submitting the annual budget to Classis Niagara for appion to the Chaplain’s reports to Classis, the team will provide a report to Classis twice a year, and communicate with the two champion churches in regular, creative, and effective ways.
The team will facilitate the coordination of volunteers and the communication between the Chaplain and Trinity and Jubilee.
Composition of Team
The team will consist of four members chosen by each of the Councils of the championing churches, Trinity Christian Reformed Church and Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church. Preferably, at least one member from each church will be an elder or deacon. There will be one representative from the Classis Ministerial Council (CMC), and preferably one or two Brock students who are active in the ministry. The committee will choose a chairperson and secretary. The members will serve a three year term, renewable for another three year term; with the approval of the CMC, some flexibility may be required to ensure consistency in leadership.
Meeting Frequency/Agenda Items
The team will meet at least bi-monthly (every two months).
The agenda will include, but is not limited to, the following:
Welcome, devotions, and check-in question
Minutes of previou meeting
Matters arising from the minutes
Chaplain’s Report(written)
Annual Review/Goal setting (June/July meeting)
Budget setting(July)
Review of policies (September/October meeting)
Date of next meeting
Closing prayer and/or check-outcircle