Covenantal Relationship
Mandate: To lead classis to encourage God’s people to engage in the various relationships and activities of the church with accountability so that our institutional and relational obligations are met.
Living it out:
1. At the Classis meetings: Each Classis meeting will contain reports from the wider denomination, such as the Council of Delegates reports. Additionally, this segment of the meeting might include a presentation by the Canadian Ministries Director, the Thrive director, etc. The legal and denominational (church order) matters are included in this section of the meetings.
2. Connecting with the local churches: Connections with the local churches are carried out by the Stated Clerk by way of correspondence, pulpit supply, updates on committee membership, etc. The Treasurer connects with the local churches and
denomination regarding Ministry Shares.
3. Connecting with the denomination: The Stated Clerk connects, corresponds with, and reports on participation within the wider denomination through conferences, and forwarding denominational reports, etc.
4. The Safe Church Team carries out its work under this Core Value, giving a report at least once per year at a Classis meeting.
5. The Vice-Chair of the CMC would serve as the Covenantal Relationships Champion, working with the Stated Clerk, and other members of the Classis Ministry Council.