Disciples Making New Disciples

Mandate: To lead classis to empower and equip churches and individuals to multiply ministries that will reach their local communities so that not-yet Christians may embrace Christ as Lord. 

Living it out:
1.           At the Classis meetings: Each Classis meeting will contain reports from one or two ministries that are activity engaged in spreading the hope of the gospel in their local communities, with each one reporting at least once each year.

2.          Connecting with the local churches: The champion, or team, would be encouraged to host or provide wider engagement within the churches of classis by events like webinars or an open house, etc. This could include promotion of programs run by individual churches or beyond such as Rose City Kids, summer camps, etc., to cultivate intercultural and network diversity within our churches and neighbourhoods.

3.          Connecting with the denomination: The champion, or team, will intentionally work with the denomination’s outreach ministries such as Resonate or Reframe to maintain connections, seek grant opportunities, and ways to support the local missional communities.

4.         The Brock University Campus Ministry Team carries out its work under this Core Value, giving a report at each Classis meeting.


5.          Led by: The Disciples Making New Disciples champion could work with the other core value champions or form a team of 3-4 others, ideally including at least one person actively working in one of the missional expressions supported by classis or someone involved directly in a denominational paid or voluntary capacity.