Leadership Development

Mandate: To lead classis to provide opportunities to develop, equip and encourage lay and ordained leaders in every context and at every level to be on mission with God.

Living it out:

1.            At the classis meetings: At least one meeting each year will contain an intentional educational or growth component. This could be accomplished through a brief (5-10 minute) presentation or video to introduce programs like Thriving Essentials or Growing Young, or be more substantive (1 ½-2 hrs) with a presentation or video, such as the Wayfinders presentation, Pastor Church Resources, etc.

2.          Connecting with the local churches: The champion would be encouraged to host and organize one- or two-yearly events, inviting members of all the churches to attend, i.e., “Helping without Hurting,” to foster flourishing churches and communities.

3.          Connecting with the denomination: The team or champion would curate denominational opportunities, webinars, offered through Thrive, focused on faith development, worship, etc., to peruse and promote to the churches in Classis Niagara.

4.         The Classis Ministry Leadership Team carries out its work in supporting students as part of this Core Value, working independently, or if desired, as part of the Leadership Development team.

5.          Led by: The Leadership Development champion could work with the other core value champions or form a team of 3-4 others, ideally including someone involved in youth ministry in their local church or someone involved directly in a denominational paid or voluntary capacity.