Prayerful Dependence on God

Mandate: To lead classis to engage in prayer with expectant hearts and minds so that our classis, churches and individual members are prayerfully dependent on God

Living it out:

1.     Classis meetings: At least one meeting each year will include a dedicated time for prayer, alongside the more routine
prayers that take place in the opening and closing devotions, blessings for the meal, etc., The prayer component can take the form of small group prayer, a time of sharing blessings and challenges from each church, or for several
churches on a rotating basis, etc.

Connecting with the local churches: Ideally the champion will connect with each church to determine if they have a prayer ministry. In times of crisis or for special times within a church, classis, or the denomination, the Prayer champion could
invite each church’s prayer ministry to pray alongside or attend a meeting to pray during the discussions.

    Connecting with the denomination: The champion would join any denominational prayer initiative such as “40 days for Synod, organized times such as a prayer invitation from the General Secretary.

 Led by: The Chair of the CMC could serve as the Prayerful Dependence on God champion, although someone else in the classis could also serve in that role.